How to Save Energy During the Holidays

Saving energy is always important, but with everything that takes place over the holidays, it can become even more important. High energy usage results in high electric bills, which can be even more of a burden with all the additional expenses many experience throughout the holiday season. This year, take a few steps to reduce the amount of energy you use to free up some additional money for travel, gifts, or the other expenses coming your way.

Have a Pro Service Your HVAC Unit

When you have your HVAC unit serviced by a certified professional, it can help reduce the amount of energy it consumes. During your scheduled service appointment, your technician from Pro Temp of Illinois will perform an inspection of your unit, clean and check the various components, and identify any potential repairs that may be needed. Your unit will run more efficiently after being serviced, which means it won’t need to work as hard to keep your house warm. This will reduce the total amount of time it needs to run, which will in turn reduce the amount of energy it consumes and your monthly electric bills.

Build a Fire

Building a fire on a cold winter night can generate a lot of heat for your home. The heat from the fire will mean that your HVAC unit won’t need to work as hard to keep your home at your desired temperature. Before you decide to build a fire this holiday season, be sure to have your chimney cleaned and ensure it is safe to use.

Switch to LED Holiday Lights

If it has been a few years since you’ve purchased new holiday lights for a Christmas tree or the outside of your home, it may be time for an upgrade. Purchasing LED string lights can help save you money since LED lights require less energy than traditional bulbs.

Pro Temp of Illinois helps residents of La Grange and the surrounding areas address all of their heating and cooling needs. Whether you are in need of system repairs or maintenance of your unit or you are ready to purchase a new HVAC system for your home, Pro Temp of Illinois is ready and waiting to offer assistance. Contact us today to inquire about our services and see how we can help you reduce your energy bills this holiday season.

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